Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada

Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada "The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Air pollutant emissions indicators track emissions from human activities of 6 key air pollutants: sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter. Black carbon, which is a component of fine particulate matter, is also reported. Sectoral indicators on air pollutant emissions from transportation, off-road vehicles and mobile equipment, electric utilities and the oil and gas industry provide additional analysis on the largest sources of Canada's air pollutant emissions. For each air pollutant, the indicators are provided at the national and provincial/territorial levels. They also identify the major sources of emissions and provide links to detailed information on air pollutant emissions from facilities. The Air pollutant emissions indicators are intended to inform Canadians and decision makers about progress made towards reducing emissions from human-related sources of air pollutants and about the effectiveness of emission reduction measures implemented to improve ambient air quality in Canada. Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See the supplementary documentation for the data sources and details on how the data were collected and how the indicator was calculated. Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: https://www.canada.ca/environmental-indicators 2024-03-22 Environment and Climate Change Canada indicateurs-indicators@ec.gc.ca Nature and EnvironmentSociety and CultureCESI; environmental indicators; air and climate; air pollution; local; emissions; air pollutants; nitrogen oxides; facilitiesEnvironmentSustainable developmentGeographic dataAir pollution Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – WMSWMS https://maps-cartes.ec.gc.ca/arcgis/services/CESI/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/html&layers=19 Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – WMSWMS https://maps-cartes.ec.gc.ca/arcgis/services/ICDE/MapServer/WMSServer?request=GetCapabilities&service=WMS&legend_format=image/png&feature_info_type=text/html&layers=19 Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – RESTESRI REST https://maps-cartes.ec.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/CESI/MapServer/20 Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – RESTESRI REST https://maps-cartes.ec.gc.ca/arcgis/rest/services/ICDE/MapServer/20 Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – English (2.25 MB)CSV https://indicators-map.canada.ca/CSVs/en/Volatile%20organic%20compound%20emissions%20by%20facility.csv Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – French (2.27 MB)CSV https://carte-indicateurs.canada.ca/CSVs/fr/%C3%89missions%20de%20compos%C3%A9s%20organiques%20volatils%20par%20installation.csv Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – English (159 kB)KMZ http://indicators-map.canada.ca/KMZs/en/Volatile%20organic%20compound%20emissions%20by%20facility.kmz Volatile organic compound emissions by facility, Canada – French (159 kB)KMZ https://carte-indicateurs.canada.ca/KMZs/fr/Emissions%20de%20composes%20organiques%20volatils%20par%20installation.kmz Interactive indicator map – FrenchHTML http://carte-indicateurs.canada.ca/App/CESI_ICDE?keys=AirEmissions_VOC&GoCTemplateCulture=fr-CA Interactive indicator map – EnglishHTML http://indicators-map.canada.ca/App/CESI_ICDE?keys=AirEmissions_VOC&GoCTemplateCulture=en-CA

"The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI) program provides data and information to track Canada's performance on key environmental sustainability issues. The Air pollutant emissions indicators track emissions from human activities of 6 key air pollutants: sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, ammonia, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter. Black carbon, which is a component of fine particulate matter, is also reported. Sectoral indicators on air pollutant emissions from transportation, off-road vehicles and mobile equipment, electric utilities and the oil and gas industry provide additional analysis on the largest sources of Canada's air pollutant emissions. For each air pollutant, the indicators are provided at the national and provincial/territorial levels. They also identify the major sources of emissions and provide links to detailed information on air pollutant emissions from facilities. The Air pollutant emissions indicators are intended to inform Canadians and decision makers about progress made towards reducing emissions from human-related sources of air pollutants and about the effectiveness of emission reduction measures implemented to improve ambient air quality in Canada. Information is provided to Canadians in a number of formats including: static and interactive maps, charts and graphs, HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports. See the supplementary documentation for the data sources and details on how the data were collected and how the indicator was calculated.

Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators: https://www.canada.ca/environmental-indicators

Data and Resources

Contact Information

Electronic Mail Address: indicateurs-indicators@ec.gc.ca

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