Wetlands to be protected or restored (under interim control)

Wetlands to be protected or restored (under interim control) This data is an extract from the regional plan for wetlands and bodies of water for the agglomeration of Montreal (in the process of being adopted). They illustrate the wetlands and their 30-meter protected areas that are targeted by interim control measures, i.e. the map data in Appendix A - Interim Control: wetlands to be protected or restored. (Interim control resolution relating to the protection of wetlands (CG23 0753) and interim control regulation relating to the protection of wetlands (RCG 24-008)) It is possible to visualize the data on the [interactive map] (https://smvt.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=637aeb612e4c48eda895ab8e58505765) associated with the regulation on interim controls.**This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).** 2024-04-17 Government and Municipalities of Québec donneesouvertes@montreal.ca Form DescriptorsNature and EnvironmentScience and Technology Wetlands to be protected or restored (geojson)GEOJSON https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/6682d36c-53d1-48fd-beab-27f3c2d23e82/resource/0b2af8ae-f53a-4fee-9ae3-796c5d5d2a6c/download/milieu-humide-rci.geojson Protection area resulting from the RCI (geojson)GEOJSON https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/6682d36c-53d1-48fd-beab-27f3c2d23e82/resource/4639292c-67c6-465f-9515-91a03e6fd20c/download/aire-de-protection-rci.geojson Original metadata (https://www.donneesquebec.ca)HTML https://www.donneesquebec.ca/recherche/fr/dataset/6682d36c-53d1-48fd-beab-27f3c2d23e82 Map (RCI Appendix A)PDF https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/6682d36c-53d1-48fd-beab-27f3c2d23e82/resource/eb0381d4-00e6-470b-aecd-867a2cf493c7/download/20231206-annexe-a_resolution.pdf Wetlands to be protected or restored (shapefile)SHP https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/6682d36c-53d1-48fd-beab-27f3c2d23e82/resource/8f18f11e-5175-4a74-9209-569bfb3bf52d/download/milieux-humides-rci.zip Protection area resulting from the RCI (shapefile)SHP https://donnees.montreal.ca/dataset/6682d36c-53d1-48fd-beab-27f3c2d23e82/resource/3ffbd826-8145-46f3-862a-ed69474975fa/download/aire-de-protection-rci.zip

This data is an extract from the regional plan for wetlands and bodies of water for the agglomeration of Montreal (in the process of being adopted). They illustrate the wetlands and their 30-meter protected areas that are targeted by interim control measures, i.e. the map data in Appendix A - Interim Control: wetlands to be protected or restored. (Interim control resolution relating to the protection of wetlands (CG23 0753) and interim control regulation relating to the protection of wetlands (RCG 24-008)) It is possible to visualize the data on the [interactive map] (https://smvt.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=637aeb612e4c48eda895ab8e58505765) associated with the regulation on interim controls.This third party metadata element was translated using an automated translation tool (Amazon Translate).

Made available by the Government and Municipalities of Québec

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Electronic Mail Address: donneesouvertes@montreal.ca

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