Situation of the Black Bear - La Mauricie

Situation of the Black Bear - La Mauricie Sensitivity analyses indicate that a small drop in black bear survival rates greatly increases the risk of extinction in both females and males. Since the mortality rate of bears in the park is directly affected by harvesting intensity and habitat alteration, La Mauricie National Park aims to limit human activities to ensure that a viable black bear population is maintained. The relative abundance of the black bear is assessed in the spring using a network of 30 sampling stations equipped with surveillance cameras or trail cameras.. 2024-05-05 Parks Canada Nature and EnvironmentCarnivoresBlack BearPopulation CycleTrail CameraSurveillance CameraStationCamerasMauricie Black Bear - Data 1CSV Black Bear - Data 2CSV Black Bear - Data 3CSV Black Bear - Data DictionaryCSV

Sensitivity analyses indicate that a small drop in black bear survival rates greatly increases the risk of extinction in both females and males. Since the mortality rate of bears in the park is directly affected by harvesting intensity and habitat alteration, La Mauricie National Park aims to limit human activities to ensure that a viable black bear population is maintained. The relative abundance of the black bear is assessed in the spring using a network of 30 sampling stations equipped with surveillance cameras or trail cameras..

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