BC Crown Land Indicators and Statistics - Historic Crown Tenure Applications Received - 2000-2009

BC Crown Land Indicators and Statistics - Historic Crown Tenure Applications Received - 2000-2009 A historic record of Land Act tenure applications received between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2009. Applications are for Crown tenures which are a subset of Crown land dispositions issued for specific purposes and periods of time under an agreement between an individual or company and the provincial government for an interest in Crown land. Applications are for Crown tenures including leases, licences, rights -of-way, permits and reserves and notations. Note: data may show an application more than once due to multiple clients or parcels associated with an application. Tenure Applications received before or after these dates are not included. Applications for Crown grants are not included. This data was used to inform the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Crown Land Indicators and Statistics report. Data was sourced from TANTALIS. 2024-07-24 Government of British Columbia Kelly.Vijandre@gov.bc.ca Nature and EnvironmentCLISCrown LandCrown Tenure ApplicationsLand Actapplicationtantalis Original metadata (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca)HTML https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/bc-crown-land-indicators-and-statistics-historic-crown-tenure-applications-received-2000-2009 Crown_Land_Indicator_Statistics_Tenure_Applications_Received_2000_2009.csvCSV https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/dataset/b3283267-bb7c-460e-8858-58cfd7263ad3/resource/5972f7c0-e567-42e5-8611-2701c83c0718/download/crownlandindicatorstatisticstenureapplicationsreceived20002009.csv

A historic record of Land Act tenure applications received between April 1, 2000 and March 31, 2009. Applications are for Crown tenures which are a subset of Crown land dispositions issued for specific purposes and periods of time under an agreement between an individual or company and the provincial government for an interest in Crown land. Applications are for Crown tenures including leases, licences, rights -of-way, permits and reserves and notations. Note: data may show an application more than once due to multiple clients or parcels associated with an application. Tenure Applications received before or after these dates are not included. Applications for Crown grants are not included. This data was used to inform the Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations Crown Land Indicators and Statistics report. Data was sourced from TANTALIS.

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Electronic Mail Address: Kelly.Vijandre@gov.bc.ca

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