CFIA Undeclared Gluten in Candy - 2014-2015
The main objective of this survey was to obtain baseline information regarding the presence and levels of undeclared gluten in candies. 586 samples were tested in this survey, and 4 of the samples were found to contain undeclared gluten. 2 positive results were found in hard candy products while the other 2 were found in soft candy products. 3 of these 4 samples were forwarded to the CFIA's Office of Food Safety and Recall (OFSR) to determine if the levels found would pose a health risk to allergic individuals. The extent of the follow-up actions taken by agency is based on the seriousness of the contamination and the health concern as determined by a health risk assessment. 1 soft candy containing undeclared gluten was deemed to represent a health risk and was recalled.
- Publisher - Current Organization Name: Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Publisher - Organization Section Name: Science
- Licence: Open Government Licence - Canada
Data and Resources
CFIA Undeclared Gluten in Candy - 2014-2015CSVEnglish French dataset CSV