International merchandise trade by commodity, monthly, inactive

International merchandise trade by commodity, monthly, inactive International merchandise trade data grouped by North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) section. Users have the option of selecting Imports and Exports. Data are unadjusted and seasonally adjusted, on a Customs and Balance of Payments basis, at a monthly frequency.<br> 2023-12-06 Statistics Canada Economics and IndustrySociety and Culturecoronaviruseconomic impacts of covid-19international trademerchandise imports and exportssociety and communitytable DatasetCSV DatasetCSV DatasetXML Supporting DocumentHTML Supporting DocumentHTML

International merchandise trade data grouped by North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) section. Users have the option of selecting Imports and Exports. Data are unadjusted and seasonally adjusted, on a Customs and Balance of Payments basis, at a monthly frequency.

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