Shaping Canada’s 4th Plan on Open Government


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Thank you for sharing your ideas, experiences, insights, and stories on what open government means to you, what is or isn’t working well so far, and where you think open government needs to go.

Your input and ideas submitted below helped us form the draft commitments for Canada’s 2018-20 National Action Plan on Open Government.

For questions, ideas or opinions about Open Government, please contact us.

Suggested Ideas

How many people have visited the Open Parliament page lately? (  There are bills passing through there all the time. 
86 vote(s)2 comment(s)Add comment
Canada needs to be open to its taxpayers on the current and project costs of settlements with First Nations and Inuit peoples and also stop giving them a tax free life...aren't we all equal in Canada...apparently as it comes to taxes not so!!!
20 vote(s)1 comment(s)Add comment
People tend to participate or share their opinion under two circumstances: 1. It is something they feel strongly and negatively about (this is backed up by research and the average news article comment section); and/or
76 vote(s)2 comment(s)Add comment
Canada needs a new negotiator for NAFTA who has proven private sector experience and the government needs to be equally as master minded at negotiations as Trump...we are literally being Trumped!!
12 vote(s)1 comment(s)Add comment
CRA offices across Canada should be reopened and staff should be trained to be less like auditors when dealing with the public and be more friendly and be willing to provide tax tips instead of just saying talk to you accountant
10 vote(s)Add comment
Je pense qu'on peut pas faire de conception de gouvernement ouvert sans consulter ceux qui sont concernes directement a savoir les citoyens et la societe civile.
15 vote(s)Add comment
I think the right Leaders should appoint the right staff, and not run those outdated staffing processes. Times have changed!
31 vote(s)2 comment(s)Add comment
Canada is a global leader in the use of Citizen Assemblies, Juries, and Panels, yet the federal government has never convened one.
14 vote(s)Add comment
Many times I have heard fellow Canadians complain that government processes take too long, or fellow public servants who complain about the slow turnover times of approvals, and they are right.
6 vote(s)Add comment
I recommend improving budget procedures, with a legislative measure, to prevent omnibus budget bills where items that are included without transparency (big problem in the past, hopefully not ongoing).
7 vote(s)Add comment
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