Parks Canada

54 datasets found
  • Open Data

    Moose - Pukaskwa

    Moose aerial surveys are conducted approximately every 5 years by helicopter, subject to snow and weather conditions or to coincide with a survey being done in the adjacent Wildlife Management Unit. The dataset includes surveys conducted during the winters of 1996, 1999, 2003, 2008, 2009, 2011...
    Parks Canada
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    Wetland Invasive Alien Plants - Thousand Islands

    Park staff monitor invasive wetland plants at marsh monitoring sites in May-June each year (8 plots/year). In each wetland, pairs of 1 m x 1 m quadrats placed 2 m apart are sampled along 3 transects at 5 and 15 meters in wet meadow, emergent and submergent vegetation zones. The percent cover is...
    Parks Canada
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    Deer Browse - Summer Herbaceous - Thousand Islands

    Browse surveys occur yearly in July-August and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m intervals. Percent cover of priority invasive species, as well as leeks, ferns, grasses and bare ground are assessed visually.
    Parks Canada
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    Deer Browse - Summer Woody - Thousand Islands

    Browse surveys occur yearly in July-August and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m intervals. The number of seedlings (5 – 30 cm) and saplings (30 – 200 cm) of each tree species are counted. Seedling recruitment...
    Parks Canada
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    Stream Benthic Invertebrates Richness - Thousand Islands

    Benthic invertebrate data is collected and used for two biological measures that assess TINP’s freshwater quality. Data collection from streams in the park occurs yearly in July, and follows the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network protocol. Field procedures involve a kick and sweep method at...
    Parks Canada
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    Stream Benthic Invertebrates Stress - Thousand Islands

    Benthic invertebrate data is collected and used for two biological measures that assess TINP’s freshwater quality. Data collection from streams in the park occurs yearly in July, and follows the Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network protocol. Field procedures involve a kick and sweep method at...
    Parks Canada
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    Frog and Toad Monitoring - Thousand Islands

    Frogs and toads were monitored through visual and audio surveys during twice-yearly wetland visits between May-June 2006-2014. Frogs and toads were assessed by park staff for physical deformities, abundance and diversity
    Parks Canada
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    Deer Browse - Spring - Thousand Islands

    Browse surveys occur in early spring and are conducted by park staff. Each plot is composed of nine circular subplots (2-m radius) in a 3 x 3 grid, spaced at 15 m intervals. Browse pressure of woody species 30 cm – 2 m tall is assessed visually. Seedling recruitment is correlated with herbivore...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Downed Wood Debris - Thousand Islands

    Several measures that characterise downed woody debris are recorded along three, 45.14 m transects associated with long-term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) forest plots. Several measures are recorded including the diameter of the DWD at point of contact, tree species,...
    Parks Canada
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    Stream Water Quality - Thousand Islands

    In order to assess long-term changes in streams Thousand Islands NP monitors their water quality yearly in July. Samples are analyzed for multiple parameters including: total phosphorus, ammonium, nitrate, turbidity, and specific conductivity.
    Parks Canada
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    Wetland Water Quality - Thousand Islands

    Thousand Islands NP monitors wetland water quality yearly in May/June. Samples are analyzed for multiple parameters including: total phosphorus, ammonium, nitrate, turbidity, and specific conductivity.
    Parks Canada
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    Stream Water Temperature - Thousand Islands

    Thousand Islands NP installs temperature data loggers to monitor hourly stream water temperatures at designated stream study sites from spring until fall.
    Parks Canada
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    Forest Birds - Thousand Islands

    Data is collected using automated recording devices which are pre-programmed and set-up in forest ecosystems. Units are programed to capture bird calls in the mornings from May-August and subsequent recordings are analysed by Bird Studies Canada. The abundance of forest birds from various...
    Parks Canada
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    Tree Health - Thousand Islands

    Park staff visually evaluate tree health within 20m x 20m forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and monitored according to term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols and Standards. Crown condition, diameter at breast height, and...
    Parks Canada
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  • Open Data

    Marsh Birds - Thousand Islands

    The presence and abundance of 11 marsh birds are assessed through visual and audio surveys twice every year (8 plots/year) throughout the park between May and July. Bird species richness and abundance of indicator species can be compared with hundreds of other Marsh Monitoring Program sites...
    Parks Canada
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    Seedling Regeneration - Thousand Islands

    TINP evaluates seedling and sapling density within 5 subplots of the 20m x 20m EMAN forest plots in August each year. Plots are rotated every 5 years (6 plots/year) and are monitored according to term Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN) Protocols and Standards.
    Parks Canada
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    Eastern Red-Backed Salamander - Bruce Peninsula

    Redback salamanders have a long lifespan, small home ranges and high site fidelity. They breathe entirely through their skin and the tissue lining in their mouths, which makes them sensitive to air- and waterborne pollutants, and thus a good indicator of environmental quality. Bruce Peninsula...
    Parks Canada
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    Inland Lake Water Quality - Bruce Peninsula

    Bruce Peninsula National Park monitors trends and exceedance in water quality index by sampling for nutrients, major ions, and metals in two lakes and two rivers throughout the year.
    Parks Canada
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    Forest Birds - Bruce Peninsula

    Forest birds are diverse in Ontario, with many species being common or very common on the Bruce Peninsula (i.e., American Redstart, Black-throated Green Warbler, Pileated Woodpecker. etc.). The national park monitors breeding forest birds (mostly songbirds and woodpeckers) with pre-programmed...
    Parks Canada
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    Beaver Population - Bruce Peninsula

    Beavers were formerly extirpated from the Bruce Peninsula, but have re-colonized the area after a two century absence, making significant changes to the park landscape. Bruce Peninsula National Park monitors active lodges by counting food caches during helicopter surveys in the fall, just before...
    Parks Canada
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