Activities Discussion - Action Plan 2.0 Discussions


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Thank you for all your input so far. The Government of Canada has assembled a list of proposed activities for Canada’s Action Plan on Open Government 2.0 based on your suggestions and our own ongoing analysis.

Proposed activities are listed below for your review and feedback.

If you wish to access the summary of what we heard so far during the discussion, please visit the Consultation Summaries section.

Suggested Ideas

The Government of Canada will develop and launch a new citizen engagement and consultation platform.
118 vote(s)1 comment(s)Add comment
Canadians have told us that they want quick and easy access to the government data they need from coast-to-coast-to-coast, regardless of which government owns the data.
89 vote(s)Add comment
The Government of Canada will expand the proactive release of information on government activities, programs, policies and services and will work to make government information easier to find and reuse. Potential activities may include:
193 vote(s)5 comment(s)Add comment
As announced in the 2014 Budget, the government will work with partners in the private sector, academia, and government to establish an Open Data Institute.
116 vote(s)9 comment(s)Add comment
The Government of Canada will continue to unlock the potential of Open Data for Canadians through a series of innovative and forward-looking projects.
109 vote(s)7 comment(s)Add comment
The Government of Canada will establish reporting standards on the payments made to governments in Canada and abroad by Canadian companies in the mining, oil, and gas sectors.
122 vote(s)173 comment(s)Add comment
The Government of Canada will issue a mandatory policy to all departments and agencies that will require them to release more open data and information.
127 vote(s)5 comment(s)Add comment
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